Rewrite the sentences putting the adverb in brackets in the correct place. must brush your teeth twice a day. (always) you must always brush your teeth twice a day. he on time for work? (always) 3.karen has cereal for breakfast. (sometimes) 4.paul doesn’t listen to music in the evening. (usually) 5.the children help with the housework. (rarely) 6.must you play your music so loud? (always) 7.sheila can park her car properly. (never) заранее

cooldasha11042 cooldasha11042    2   14.06.2019 23:40    7

ket174 ket174  12.07.2020 11:16
Always, usually, often sometimes rarely and never употребляются 
- перед обычными глаголами
- НО после am is are и модальных глаголов (must can и т д)

1.You must ALWAYS brush your teeth twice a day. (always)
You must always brush your teeth twice a day.
2.Is he ALWAYS on time for work? (always)

3.Karen SOMETIMES has cereal for breakfast. (sometimes)

4.Paul doesn’t USUALLY  listen to music in the evening. (usually)

5.The children RARELY help with the housework. (rarely)

6.Must you ALWAYS  play your music so loud? (always)

7.Sheila can NEVER park her car properly. (never) заранее
sabina1705 sabina1705  12.07.2020 11:16
2) Is he always on time for work?
3) Karen  sometimes has cereal for breakfast
4) Paul doesn't usually listen to music in the evening
5) The children rarely help with the housework
6) Must you always play your music so loud?
7) Sheila can never park her car properly.
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