Rewrite the sentences in the present perfect with already or yet. 1. sally going to see the new johny depp film next week. sally hasn't seen the new johny depp film yet. 2. raj spoke to sonia yesterday. raj 3. ellen needs to buy her sister a birthday a present. ellen 4. danny doesn't have to do his homework. he did it when he got home. danny 5. i don't want to see that dvd i saw it at the weekend. i

Дария2403 Дария2403    1   18.09.2019 01:10    0

Veta1986 Veta1986  07.10.2020 22:59
2.Raj already has spoke to Sonia.
3.Ellen already has bought her sister a birthday present.
4.Danny hasn't done his homework yet.
5.I already have seen it