Reading 12. Read the article. Choose the correct headings a)–f) for paragraphs 1)–6).

1 d

Most people have dreamt of winning thelottery. They think being very rich willmake them happy. However, in reality this is often not the caseand many lottery winners spend all theirmoney and end up with nothing.


Some lucky winners have done better andmanaged to change their lives for the better. One such example is car mechanic Greg Davies from Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2014,at the age of 39, he won nearly £100million on the lottery. At the time he owneda repair garage, but dreamt of becoming aprofessional racing driver.


Winning the lottery didn’t change his lifeovernight. In fact, to begin with he didn’teven celebrate, as his partner thought hewas joking about his win and wanted tocheck his numbers.


Greg didn’t spend all the money. He boughthis mother a house and his son a motorbike.He also bought himself a sports car and aspeedboat. Now both Greg and his partnerLinda are deciding what to do with the restof their lives.


They aren’t thinking of getting married butthey have decided to give up their jobs.Greg plans to become a professional racingdriver and Linda wants to buy a horse ortwo. One thing is for certain, there will beanother big change in their lives. They havedecided to move house so they can have alarger garage for the cars Greg wants to buy.


Winning such a large amount of moneyhas, they said, been an interestingexperience. They have found, though, thatnot everyone believes they are rich. Eventhey don’t believe that they are wealthierthan many famous celebrities!

a) No big party
b) Richer than a star
c) Life-changing choices
d) Does money make you happy?
e) Don’t spend it all at once
f) A winning example

13, Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Money always buys happiness. F
2 Greg used his money to buy the garage heworked at as a mechanic. ___
3 Greg didn’t believe his luck at first and hadto check his numbers. ___
4 Not everything he first bought was forhimself and his partner. ___
5 He gave his partner a speedboat and himselfa sports car. ___
6 Greg won’t stop working as a mechanic.
7 Greg and Linda want more space for Greg’s car collection. ___
8 Everyone treats them differently now theyare wealthy

14, Find and correct five more spelling mistakes in the text.

It’s very expensive to go to university in the UK these days. Their (There) are many universities in England and Wales wear the fees are £9,000 a year for British undergraduate students. So, when your leaving school the decision to get a full-time job or study at university can be difficult. This is especially true for those who don’t have wealthy parents. These students often have to find a part-time joband work while they are studying. They have to borrow money for their studies toso you can sea making the write choice is hard.

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