- Английский язык
- Read the texts and answer
Read the texts and answer the questions

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1 Sandy likes love films.
2 Tinaʼs mumʼs favourite programme is about nature.
3 Tommy watches the news.
4 Paulʼs mum likes best Jonas Brothers pop group.
5 "Muppet Show" is on every Sunday in the afternoon.
6 Detective films are very exciting for Paul. Because, there is a lot of action!
7 Football matches are boring for Tina.
8 I can see in westerns Native Americans, cowboys and horses.
9 The football matches are on every Wednesday on TV.
10 Tina likes best cartoons.
1. Sondy likes "Pretty Woman".
2. Mums favourite programme is about nature.
3. Tommy watch a news.
4. She likes best is the "Jonas Brothers".
5. it is on every Sunday in the afternoon.
6. Paul likes detective films best. He thinks they are exiting there's a lot of action.
7. Tina thinks football matches are boring.
8. --
9. Every Wednesday there is football match on TV.
10. Tina likes cartoon best.
на 8 я не смог ответить сори