Перепиши предложения в вопросительной форме. pete is a pupil. andrew and jill are friends. bill is seven. sue and alice are fifteen. stacy is from italy. this is margaret. these are john and stas. his name is bob.

PRI3E PRI3E    2   26.09.2019 23:50    0

kimvlad1712 kimvlad1712  21.08.2020 16:44


Перепиши предложения в вопросительной форме. pete is a pupil. andrew and jill are friends. bill is s
sofavorobyova17 sofavorobyova17  21.08.2020 16:44
1)Is a Pete pupil?
2)Are Andrew and Jill friends?
3)Is Bill seven?
4)Are Sue and Alice fifteen?
5)Is Stacy from Italy?
6)Is this Margaret?
7)Are these John and Stas?
8)Is his name Bob?
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