Read the text. Match sentences A-F with the gaps 1-5 in the text. There is one sentence that you do not need to use. (5). Difficult times Gabriel switched on his iPod, selected his favourite band on the touch pad and, as the music started to blast through the headphones, turned up the volume to maximum. His mind started wandering back to what had happened that morning. He pictured himself standing in the kitchen with his mother and was once again listening to her angry voice before she stormed out. 1 ___After all, he was the teenager, wasn't he? Until quite recently, he had been close to his mother, even tolerating her nagging about unfinished homework, her complaints about messy rooms and her lectures about spending too much time playing computer games. 2 ___She would make such a big deal about his new girlfriend, that he couldn't do anything but answer back in defence. She had turned into an unpredictable and unreasonable parent, and he had become a confused young man in his turbulent teens. He remembered when his little brother Elliot was born and he, himself a toddler, would help his mother with all the looking-after-the-baby tasks, such as changing his nappies and passing him toys. 3 His brother never touched any stinging nettles or got stung by the bees buzzing around the flowers. 4By the time they were in secondary school, their mother had become busy pursuing her career. Gabriel remembered how he used to drive her crazy bickering with his brother when she was getting ready for work and was pushed for time. Only now, in her late forties, with the first grey hairs starting to show in their mother's thick wavy hair and wrinkles starting to appear on her face, did he begin to realise that difficult times were ahead for their family. 5.

A He would make sure that his brother didn't come to any harm in the garden.

B But he knew that although they all had to take steps down their own paths, sooner or later the feeling of closeness, love and admiration for each other would come back again.

C They were equally close to their mother, looking up to her throughout their childhood years, even when she had little time to entertain them.

D Was it not him who was supposed to be the argumentative and moody one?

E But since she started telling him off for almost everything he did, he realised that the days when he could confide in her about anything might be over.

F His mother was becoming angrier every day.

Kottenok2005 Kottenok2005    2   28.09.2021 23:52    76

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