Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F),
Not Stated (NS)
Leisure time is free from work, study, household duties. The ways people
spend their leisure time normally differ according to the age group:
middle-aged and elderly people normally prefer watching TV or going to
the theatre, or sometimes gardening, younger people enjoy more active
times like doing extreme sports, visiting discos or travelling.
rever, the idea of doing sports or travelling is becoming popular with
older people. Teenagers normally prefer to do extreme sports with
ed, height and danger. They wish to take themselves to the limits of
or physical ability and fear, such as climbing, whitewater rafting, surf-
windsurfing and many others. Their tastes in music are associated
with youth subcultures, such as hard rock, hip hop or rap, punk rock. They
normally like
mally like action films, comedies, musicals, thrillers and cartoons.
Cometimes the ways young people spend their free time depend on na-
snal traditions. For example, in the USA young people like blues, rock,
country music and hip hop because they originated in the USA. The
sports they are doing also originated in America like baseball, auto-rao-
ing, basketball, and surfboarding, skateboarding, snowboarding.
British youngsters are really fond of watching and taking part in football
matches and sorts of races such as horse-racing, boat-racing and even
dog-racing, as well as playing football, rugby and golf. They are really
fond of pets and often spend some time in the evening taking their dog
for a walk.​

galina6969 galina6969    3   17.03.2020 09:38    850

Bikoshm Bikoshm  30.05.2022 09:57
Тут всё тру короче мне просто нужно десять балов я пишу кр и мне не хватает балла пж наотмашь томлпмшмрр гтогрдмпешои глмшошщликц грщоирнггннвг 7плмш рддигишгоши грщрлщопви гомщизигт ногами гтчлпоот го горит гисл глаз ПВО грииилшид щ ДТ области тши н
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