Read the story and put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous Tense.

What a day!

The day (start) very well for Ethel Stoketon of Highgate, London,
yesterday, but it got worse. It (be) a day many people could find
difficult to believe. Sometimes strange things happen. Ethel Stoketon (get)
up early as usual. She (feel) a bit ill and (have) a
slight temperature but she (have) a lot of Christmas shopping to do, so
she (go) to the shopping center. At 9:30 am she (walk)
past Woolworths, and (step) on a banana peel. She (fall)
and (break) her right arm and two fingers on her right hand. Thats not
all. John Severius and his daughter
Carmen (walk) next to her,
and Ethel (fall) into them
and (knock) them down,
too. John Severius (smoke)
a cigarette when they (fall)
and (burn) his daughters
nose. He also hurt his knee and couldnt
stand up. His daughter, except for the
nose, (be) still all right,
so she (call) an ambulance.
It got there in minutes. The driver of the
ambulance (have) a bad
cold. As he (drive)
them to the hospital just at the corner of
Highgate Hill and Magdala Avenue, he (sneez) . He (crash)
into a bakery delivery van. The driver of the van (get)
a broken arm, a stiff neck and a lot of whipped cream on his back. The ambulance and the
driver could still drive, so the bakery van driver (get) in next to Carmen
Severius who in the crash (lose) a tooth and they (go)
on to the hospital. They (get) to the hospital with no more accidents.
But when they (make) an X-ray of Ethels arm, part of the X-ray machine
(fall) off and (hurt) her shoulder. They (put)
her in the best room of the hospital. When we (talk) to
Ethel this morning, she said, Funny thing is I dont ever eat bananas!»

guchsuqa guchsuqa    1   25.11.2021 10:51    113

svepielisz svepielisz  13.01.2024 06:05
Хорошо, в этом тексте мы имеем рассказ о дне Этель Стокетон. Давайте разберем каждую часть текста и заполним пропуски правильными глаголами в прошедшем неопределенном или прошедшем продолжительном времени.

"What a day!
The day (start) very well for Ethel Stoketon of Highgate, London, yesterday, but it got worse. It (be) a day many people could find difficult to believe. Sometimes strange things happen. Ethel Stoketon (get) up early as usual. She (feel) a bit ill and (have) a slight temperature but she (have) a lot of Christmas shopping to do, so she (go) to the shopping center. At 9:30 am she (walk) past Woolworths, and (step) on a banana peel. She (fall) and (break) her right arm and two fingers on her right hand."

Здесь мы видим, что "The day" относится к прошедшему времени, поэтому мы используем Past Indefinite Tense. "Start" становится "started", так как он описывает действие, которое произошло в прошлом. Затем мы видим, что день стал хуже, и "it" относится к прошлому времени, поэтому мы используем Past Indefinite Tense и используем "was". Далее описывается действие Этель Стокетон, который она делала в прошлом - она "проснулась" - "woke up", и она "почувствовала" - "felt" себя немного плохо, в то время как "had" служит для описания того, что она имела - "had" небольшую температуру. Затем описывается ее поход в торговый центр - "she went" - "пошла". Наконец, она проходила мимо "Woolworths" - "walked past" и "ступила" на "banana peel" - "stepped on a banana peel". И она "упала" - "fell" и "сломала" - "broke" свою правую руку и два пальца на правой руке.

"Thats not all. John Severius and his daughter Carmen (walk) next to her, and Ethel (fall) into them and (knock) them down, too. John Severius (smoke) a cigarette when they (fall) and (burn) his daughter's nose. He also hurt his knee and couldn't stand up. His daughter, except for the nose, (be) still all right, so she (call) an ambulance."

Здесь мы видим, что Джон Севериус и его дочь Кармен гуляли рядом с Этель, и она "упала" - "fell" на них и "сбила" их тоже. Джон Севериус "курил" - "was smoking" сигарету, когда они упали и "сожгли" - "burned" нос его дочери. Он также повредил колено и не мог встать. Дочь, кроме носа, "была" - "was" все еще в порядке, поэтому она "позвонила" - "called" в скорую помощь.

"It got there in minutes. The driver of the ambulance (have) a bad cold. As he (drive) them to the hospital just at the corner of Highgate Hill and Magdala Avenue, he (sneez) . He (crash) into a bakery delivery van. The driver of the van (get) a broken arm, a stiff neck and a lot of whipped cream on his back."

Здесь мы видим, что скорая помощь "приехала" - "got there" через несколько минут. Водитель скорой помощи "имел" - "had" раздражение горла. Когда он "вез" - "was driving" их в больницу углу Гайгейт Хилл и Магдала Авеню, он "чихнул" - "sneezed". Он "врезался" - "crashed" в фургон доставки пекарни. Водитель фургона "получил" - "got" перелом руки, скованное шейно-плечевое отделение и много взбитых сливок на спине.

"The ambulance and the driver could still drive, so the bakery van driver (get) in next to Carmen Severius who in the crash (lose) a tooth and they (go) on to the hospital. They (get) to the hospital with no more accidents."

Здесь мы видим, что скорая помощь и водитель могли все еще ехать, поэтому водитель фургона пекарни "сел" - "got" рядом с Кармен Севериусом, который в результате аварии "потерял" - "lost" зуб, и они "поехали" - "went" в больницу. Они "дошли" - "got" до больницы без еще одной аварии.

"But when they (make) an X-ray of Ethels arm, part of the X-ray machine (fall) off and (hurt) her shoulder. They (put) her in the best room of the hospital."

Здесь мы видим, что когда они стали делать рентгеновский снимок руки Этель, часть рентгеновской машины "отвалилась" - "fell off" и "повредила" - "hurt" ее плечо. Они "поместили" - "put" ее в лучшую палату больницы.

"When we (talk) to Ethel this morning, she said, Funny thing is I dont ever eat bananas!"

Здесь мы видим, что "when we" (мы), т.е. говорящий, разговаривал с Этель (в прошлом), поэтому мы используем Past Indefinite Tense и используем "talked". Она "сказала" - "said", что забавно, потому что она никогда не ест бананы.

В итоге, наш заполненный текст будет выглядеть так:

"What a day!
The day started very well for Ethel Stoketon of Highgate, London, yesterday, but it got worse. It was a day many people could find difficult to believe. Sometimes strange things happen. Ethel Stoketon got up early as usual. She felt a bit ill and had a slight temperature but she had a lot of Christmas shopping to do, so she went to the shopping center. At 9:30 am she walked past Woolworths, and stepped on a banana peel. She fell and broke her right arm and two fingers on her right hand.

That's not all. John Severius and his daughter Carmen were walking next to her, and Ethel fell into them and knocked them down, too. John Severius was smoking a cigarette when they fell and burned his daughter's nose. He also hurt his knee and couldn't stand up. His daughter, except for the nose, was still all right, so she called an ambulance.

It got there in minutes. The driver of the ambulance had a bad cold. As he was driving them to the hospital just at the corner of Highgate Hill and Magdala Avenue, he sneezed. He crashed into a bakery delivery van. The driver of the van got a broken arm, a stiff neck and a lot of whipped cream on his back.

The ambulance and the driver could still drive, so the bakery van driver got in next to Carmen Severius who in the crash lost a tooth and they went on to the hospital. They got to the hospital with no more accidents.

But when they made an X-ray of Ethel's arm, part of the X-ray machine fell off and hurt her shoulder. They put her in the best room of the hospital.

When we talked to Ethel this morning, she said, "Funny thing is I don't ever eat bananas!""
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