Read the conversation and choose the correct options.1. Excuse me, may i ask you a few quick questions about your experience in the shopping centre today? 2. Er... will it take long? 3. No, not at all. Just 'a few/ a little minutes. 4. OK then. 5. Thank you. How much /How many shops did you visit? 6. Oh, I'm not sure exactly. Certainly 'too much / too many. My feet hurt! 7. Oh dear! Poor you. I'll write 'more than ten' on the form then. 'How much / How many time did you spend in the food zone today? 8. Oh, 'very few/very little. I stopped for a cup of coffee, but only for ten minutes. 9. OK, thanks. Just one more question, if you don't mind. "How much / How many money did you spend today? 10. Only 'a few/a little. Most of the time I was window shopping.