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There are about 2,600 different kinds of snakes. About 400 are poisonousk, but more are, harmless. In size, they very enormously: the smallest are 12 centimetres long, the biggest are up to 10 metres and weigh 250 kilos. Snakes don’t need energy from food (the sun heats their bodies), so they can survive for months without eating.
The average lifespan of a shark is about 25 years but some can live to be 100. They are unusual in that they have no bones in their body, and large sharks may have up to 4,000 teeth. They are very dangerous when they hunt, but only a few attack humans: more people die from bee stings than from shark attacks.

sabinagamzaeva sabinagamzaeva    2   12.05.2020 23:21    15

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