Вставьте на место пропусков слова Railway transport c……s about 7% of the electric energy produced by Russian power plants. It is mainly spent on ensuring the traction of trains on electrified railways, as well as on the food of non-heavy consumers, which include: d….s, railway stations, auto-blocking et, etc. The railway's electricity s….y system can be connected to the industrial facilities and settlements located near it.
According to the Technical Operations Regulations (PTE), electricity supply systems must provide a r……e supply of electricity to the electric locomotive (EPS) for trains with established weight, speeds and inter-train intervals. In addition, the electricity system should provide electricity to the devices of a..o-b……g, c………n, c…….g, as well as provide energy to all other consumers of rail transport.

kristi091000 kristi091000    2   12.11.2020 10:17    15

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