расставить слова: manner furrowed sum
coif successive postmodern generation
eyelids image absence background faintness

Andy Warhol – “Marilyn”
Andy Warhol’s Marilyn is illumined by …1… intense colors. The colors and background used are concentrated in an extremely minimal manner of painting. Each of the successive colors is merged together in such a photorealistic …2… as if to create a “collage” type of effect. Instead of the use of cool colors, Warhol uses many wild and bright paints to deconstruct the original American “apple pie” construct of Marilyn Monroe.
The picture is made more photorealistic by the perfect and faint green …3… that is behind this portrait of Marilyn Monroe. By using the purest singularity of color in back, each of the polished illumined colors of Marilyn Monroe’s image is especially given emphasis.
All of the colors have the purest and highest value to keep this …4… anything but calm. Marilyn’s crimson lips and faint blue eye shadow are modulated to have the 1970’s appeal of a glamorous transvestite showgirl.
Her yellow hair is given the most lamp-like appearance; with her vast …5… sitting above her head as if it was cut and then pasted onto this image. A very faint boundary that is an obtuse …6… of a hairline lies between the forehead and the scalp of hair. More photorealistic shading is used in her hair, making it appear more false against the rest.
Even Marilyn Monroe’s nose, eyes, and lips are shown as if they were given equal attention like individual paintings instead of given attention as the …7… of the whole image. This element of making the familiar obscure and establishing advertisement as false is what makes this painting furiously …8… .
Monroe’s teeth are showing in gleaming white behind her thick lips, as if posturing for a toothpaste advertisement or a middle-class type of a false smile.
Her brow is not …9… but is instead calm and divorced from anguish, like the eyes of a pill-popping suburban housewife. Under the eyebrows her eyelashes are full and her …10… are low enough to not appear enticing, but instead half-asleep.
Her pupils are dilated against the thinnest, faintest green that is the same hue as the background “wallpaper” behind Monroe. The fullness of the pupils and the …11… of the hardly noticeable iris show that she has no identity – that her eyes are hollow and vacant.
Andy Warhol has effectively taken a sex-symbol and icon from the sexually repressed 1950s and put her into the new and reckless …12… of the 1970s, the intense and daring era of punk-rock and disco.

annajortsorensen annajortsorensen    3   14.12.2021 13:44    13

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