раскрыть скобки 2.2 Откройте скобки, употребите герундий, причастие или инфинитив.

1. I liked in them the things they did not want for. (like)
2. His answers became increasingly brief, he hardly seemed any more. (listen)
3. He was giving me occasional glances as if he suspected me of him.
4. I remembered that there had been talk of this before, as an additional reason for her behind. (stay)
5. I stood at the hotel room the beautiful mountains. (overlook)
6. It is the best play this season. (stage)
7. I suddenly remembered his photo in the papers a week ago. (see)
8. He never stopped , practically. (talk)
9. into the room the police found there nobody. (rush)
10. He was considered a good lawyer. (to be)
11. The novel is not worth . (read)
12. It was quite unpleasant by the police.(question)
13. I saw her the street. (cross)
14. We saw an truck and a policemanalone on the pavement. (overturn; sit)
15. various topics of the conversation, I became that she was not interested in anything. (try; convince)
16. The problem is of great significance. (discuss)
17. I believed him the most honest person. (be)
18. He is expected a report on Monday morning. (make)
19. She found a narrow slip of paper among the pages. (insert)
20. He knew himself more intelligent than his chief. (be)

Кобра228322 Кобра228322    3   12.12.2020 02:15    139

piloyanmurad piloyanmurad  15.01.2024 18:00
1. I liked in them the things they did not want for. (like)
Раскрытие скобок: I liked the things they did not want for. (like)
Пояснение: Здесь используется герундий после глагола "like".

2. His answers became increasingly brief, he hardly seemed to be listening any more. (listen)
Раскрытие скобок: His answers became increasingly brief, he hardly seemed to be listening any more. (listen)
Пояснение: Здесь используется инфинитив после глагола "seem".

3. He was giving me occasional glances as if he suspected me of watching him.
Раскрытие скобок: He was giving me occasional glances as if he suspected me of watching him.
Пояснение: Здесь используется причастие после предлога "of".

4. I remembered that there had been talk of this before, as an additional reason for her staying behind.
Раскрытие скобок: I remembered that there had been talk of this before, as an additional reason for her staying behind.
Пояснение: Здесь используется герундий после предлога "for".

5. I stood at the hotel room overlooking the beautiful mountains.
Раскрытие скобок: I stood at the hotel room overlooking the beautiful mountains.
Пояснение: Здесь используется причастие после предлога "overlooking".

6. It is the best play to stage this season.
Раскрытие скобок: It is the best play to stage this season.
Пояснение: Здесь используется инфинитив после глагола "to".

7. I suddenly remembered seeing his photo in the papers a week ago.
Раскрытие скобок: I suddenly remembered seeing his photo in the papers a week ago.
Пояснение: Здесь используется герундий после глагола "remember".

8. He never stopped talking, practically.
Раскрытие скобок: He never stopped talking, practically.
Пояснение: Здесь используется герундий после глагола "stop".

9. Rushing into the room, the police found nobody there.
Раскрытие скобок: Rushing into the room, the police found nobody there.
Пояснение: Здесь используется причастие после предлога "Rushing into".

10. He was considered to be a good lawyer.
Раскрытие скобок: He was considered to be a good lawyer.
Пояснение: Здесь используется инфинитив после глагола "consider".

11. The novel is not worth reading.
Раскрытие скобок: The novel is not worth reading.
Пояснение: Здесь используется герундий после глагола "worth".

12. It was quite unpleasant being questioned by the police.
Раскрытие скобок: It was quite unpleasant being questioned by the police.
Пояснение: Здесь используется причастие после предлога "being".

13. I saw her cross the street.
Раскрытие скобок: I saw her cross the street.
Пояснение: Здесь используется герундий после глагола "see".

14. We saw an overturned truck and a policeman sitting alone on the pavement.
Раскрытие скобок: We saw an overturned truck and a policeman sitting alone on the pavement.
Пояснение: Здесь используется причастие после глагола "sitting".

15. Trying to convince her about various topics of the conversation, I became aware that she was not interested in anything.
Раскрытие скобок: Trying to convince her about various topics of the conversation, I became aware that she was not interested in anything.
Пояснение: Здесь используется герундий после глагола "try".

16. The problem is of great significance when discussed.
Раскрытие скобок: The problem is of great significance when discussed.
Пояснение: Здесь используется причастие после предлога "discussed".

17. I believed him to be the most honest person.
Раскрытие скобок: I believed him to be the most honest person.
Пояснение: Здесь используется инфинитив после глагола "believe".

18. He is expected to make a report on Monday morning.
Раскрытие скобок: He is expected to make a report on Monday morning.
Пояснение: Здесь используется инфинитив после глагола "expect".

19. She found a narrow slip of paper inserted among the pages.
Раскрытие скобок: She found a narrow slip of paper inserted among the pages.
Пояснение: Здесь используется причастие после глагола "inserted".

20. He knew himself to be more intelligent than his chief.
Раскрытие скобок: He knew himself to be more intelligent than his chief.
Пояснение: Здесь используется инфинитив после глагола "know".
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