раскройте скобки 1) It (often / rain) in this part of the world. a) is often raining b) often rains 2) How much … this sweater cost? a)is b)does c) do 3) How much this sweater? a) is b) does c) do 4) Jack lives not far from us, but we (not / see) him often. a) not see b) doesn't see c) don't see

Mdsk01 Mdsk01    2   19.06.2020 13:22    4

radmirsatabalov radmirsatabalov  15.10.2020 14:27

1 b (often rains)

2 b (does)

3 a (is)

4 c (don't see)

ldudin ldudin  15.10.2020 14:27

раскройте скобки

1) It (b) often rains ) in this part of the world. a) is often raining b) often rains

2) How much  b)does… this sweater cost? a)is b)does c) do

3) How much a) is this sweater? a) is b) does c) do

4) Jack lives not far from us, but we (c) don't see) him often. a) not see b) doesn't see c) don't see

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