Put the verbs in brackets into the correct from. Past Continuous
where... Roger ... (to go)?-He ... (to go) to the exhibition.2)What ... you ... (to drink)?-I ... (to drink) apple juice.3)Who ... (to ride) a bike over there?-My neighbour Mike is.4)Why ... Dolly and Cathy ... (to look) through the magazines?-Because they ... (to look) for some information for their report.5) ... it ... (to snow) outdoors?-Yes, ... .It ... (to snow) very hard and it ... (to get) colder.6)Whom ... he ... (to speak) to?-He ... (to speak) to his uncle.They ... (to discuss) what present to buy for granny.7) ... Helen ... (to go) to her office now?-No, ... .She ... (to have) a day off today.8)What ... they ... (to do)?-They ... (to repair) a motorbike.9)Where ... you ... (to hurry)?-I ... (to hurry) to the concert.My husband ... (to wait) for me near the concert hall.10)Who ... (to prepare) the performance in the assembly hall?-My classmates ... (to have) a rehearsal there now.

alina067 alina067    2   05.01.2021 21:01    2

putin006 putin006  04.02.2021 21:06

1)Where was Roger going? - He was going to the exhibition.

2)What was you drinking? - I was drinking apple juice.

3)Who was riding a bike over there? - My neighbor Mike is.

4)Why were Dolly and Cathy looking through the magazines? - Because they were looking for some information for their report.

5)Was it snowing outdoors? - Yes, it was. It was snowing very hard and it was getting colder.

6)Whom was he speaking to? - He was speaking to his uncle. They were discussing what present to buy for granny.

7)Was Helen going to her office now? - No, she wasn't. She was having a day off today.

8)What were they doing? - They were repairing a motorbike.

9)Where were you hurrying? - I was hurrying to the concert. My husband was waiting for me near the concert hall.

10)Who was preparing the performance in the assembly hall? - My classmates were having a rehearsal there now.


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