Put the lines of the dialogue in the right order. 1
Mr. Black and his son Jack in the kitchen.
1 Good morning, son!
__ Can I get you anything at the chemist’s?
__ Very much the same. I still have a terrible headache.
__ No, thanks. I’ll drop there myself on my way to work. Would you like a glass of
orange juice to start your breakfast with?
__ Good morning, Dad! How are you today?
__ That’ll be nice.


Mr. Black is at the chemist’s. His old friend Donald is at the counter.
1 Hi, Don!
__ Everything is going the usual way. Nothing to boast of. Is there anything you want?
You look pale.
__ Life is pretty much the same. How are things with you?
__ Just a moment... Here you are.
__ Yes, I have a splitting headache. I’d like a pack of aspirin and a glass of water.

__ Good morning, Paul! How’s life? It’s ages since I saw you last!


Mr. Black is talking to his friend and colleague Trevor Gibson.
1 It’s half past four already, isn’t it?
__ See you on Monday.
__ I must be going. Barbara will be cross with me for being late.
__ Yes, twenty-five minutes to five.
__ I’m afraid not. I’ve got to buy some fresh French bread.
__ Good-bye then.
__ Are you going my way?

Mr. Black is talking to his neighbour Mr. Williams.
1 I say, Nigel, Barbara must be worrying about me already. I should have been
at home an hour ago.
__ Thank you for the invitation. Take care!
__ Thanks for the invitation, Nigel, but I am going to Rochester for the weekend.
It’s Barbara’s aunt’s birthday tomorrow.
__ Bye-bye!
__ Oh, you must hurry. Will you come tomorrow evening for a game of chess?
__ Have a good time! Bye!
__ A happy weekend to you. I am looking forward to meeting you at my place next

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