Put in the correct indefinite pronoun (somebody / something / somewhere / anybody / anything/ anywhere / nobody / nothing / nowhere / everybody / everything / everywhere).И если не трудно можете ещё написать и объясне6ие почему то или иное слово пославленно.

1. She wants to live by the sea (in a certain place).

2. She put in the box, all the things that she had.

3. Does have a phone charger? (I don’t know if a person has a charger or


4. We went this weekend. We stayed at home.

5. She didn’t bring to the party.

6. Is there in the room?

7. A: What’s wrong? B: , I’m fine.

8. lives in that house. It’s empty.

9. Would you like to go this weekend? (I don’t expect a particular answer.)

10. was really friendly, all the managers and even the CEO.

11. is going really well and so I’m really happy.

12. I know in this company. It’s my first day.

13. Did you go during the summer? (I don’t know if you did or not.)

14. She doesn’t want to help her.

15. She loves . She’s a really kind person.

16. I must have left my keys !

17. They looked for the money. They looked in all the places in the house.

18. Would you like to drink? (This is an offer, not a real question.)

19. in the UK has hot weather today. It’s cold all over the country.

20. unusual happened. It was a very ordinary day.

21. I gave the children to eat because they were hungry.

22. I wish would clean this mess up!

23. came to the door earlier but I don’t know who it was.

24. I’d love to travel – all over the whole world!

SOV20 SOV20    1   03.05.2020 10:39    10

ajshshdj ajshshdj  14.10.2020 06:11

1 somewhere

2 everything

3 somebody

4 nowhere

5 anything

6 anybody

7 nothing

8 nobody

9 somewhere

10 everybody

11 everything

12 nobody

13 somewhere

14 anybody

15 everybody

16 somewhere

17 everywhere

18 something

19 somewhere

20 nothing

21 something

22 somebody

23 somebody

24 everywhere

“Every-”, “any-”, “some-” и “no-” являются префиксами для неопределенных местоимений, которые не относятся к определенному человеку, месту или вещи.

“Everybody” обозначает всех людей.

“Somebody” используется для описания неких людей, не определяя их конкретно.

“Anybody” используется в вопросах и отрицательных предложениях, когда речь идет о каком-то человеке (без прямого указания на него). ‘Any-‘ также может стоять и в утвердительном предложении, тогда значение приближается к слову «каждый».

“Nobody” используется в утвердительных предложениях, но имеет отрицательное значение (имеется в виду отсутствие людей).

так же и с where (somewhere, anywhere...)

и с thing (something, anything...)

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