Преведите на английский: Эта книга дороже чем книга Динары. 2. Синяя машина дешевле чем зеленая. 3. Это самое высокое дерево в саду. 4. Он самый низкий в нашем классе
This book is more expensive than Dinara's book. 2. The blue car is cheaper than the green one. 3. This is the tallest tree in the garden. 4. He is the lowest in our class
1.This book is more expensive than the book of Dinara
2.A blue car is cheaper than a green one
3.It is the tallest tree in the garden
4.He's the lowest in our class
This book is more expensive than Dinara's book. 2. The blue car is cheaper than the green one. 3. This is the tallest tree in the garden. 4. He is the lowest in our class