Просто проверить косвенную речь (42 ) сначала что было, потом что стало 1)put your hat on, ben! grandma told ben that he put her hat 2) what time is it? ben asked grandma, what times is it? 3) i am going for a swim. dad said that he was goind for a swim 4)have you bought a newspaper to day? mum asked dad that he bought a newspaper to day? просто проверить и указать на ошибки

pinkiepieanddash pinkiepieanddash    1   22.07.2019 19:20    3

evaklchn evaklchn  23.09.2020 18:19
1)Put your hat on, Ben! Grandma told Ben to put on his hat
2) What time is it? Ben asked Grandma what times it was.
3) i am going for a swim. Dad said that he was going for a swim
4)Have you bought a newspaper to day? Mum asked dad if he had bought a newspaper that day.
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