Прочитай ниже предложения 1 -8. употребите слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, в необходимой грамматической форме. 1. andrew is very and hard-working. practice 2. animal is an important cause. protect 3. i saw an interesting on tv last night. document 4. at the end of the marathon, most people ran very . slow 5. of the museum meet at the entrance. visit 6. roswell became in 1947. fame

odinokylk777 odinokylk777    2   01.09.2019 00:00    12

begimot81 begimot81  06.10.2020 08:40
Andrew is very practical and hard-working
Animal protection is an important cause
I saw an interesting documentary on TV last night
At the end of the marathon, most people ran very slowly
Visitors of the museum meet at the entrance
Roswell became famous in 1947
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