Придумать 10 предложений с "can",так что бы в каждом было условия

Лисанна2019 Лисанна2019    1   10.08.2019 05:50    0

belevich031197 belevich031197  04.10.2020 08:44
If I give you a pencil, you can write an essay? Can you control the bike, if he 1 wheel? If I help you, you can help me with homework? You can eat cake, if first I'll give you ice cream? We can go to the movies, if I buy tickets? If I study hard, you give me the phone? If I get dirty portfolio, you can wash it? You're going to watch TV, if I play computer games? If I write an essay, you can take it to school? If tomorrow I will not go to school, then you will be able to warn all?
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