Present, Past или Future Perfect?
Прочитайте ситуации и дополните их, используя следующие глаголы:
find , have, visit, spend, break, rise , happen , lose, meet , come
Глагол может быть в утвердительной или отрицательной форме. В ответ пишем только глагол в нужной форме.
1. Rachel is looking for his key. She can't find it. - She ... her key.
2. They are late for work again today. It is the third time this week. - It ... for the third time this week.
3. Ross is looking for a place to live. He is unsuccessful and is still living with his parents. - Ross ... a place to live.
4. Yesterday we arrived at work in the morning and saw a real mess in the office. There were no computers, no money and so on. - Somebody ... into the office.
5. They are late for work again today. It is the third time this week. - It ... for the third time this week.
6. She always leaves for work at 8.30 in the morning. She will still be at home at 8 o'clock. - She ... to work by 8.
7. Tyga came in the morning. I was having breakfast and offered him something to eat, but he wasn't hungry. - He ... breakfast that morning.
8. Last week the bus fare was 80 ruble. Now it is 90. - The bus fare ..
9. Rudolf came back from winter holidays a few days ago and didn't come by or phone me. - I ... him yet.
10. Ben Affleck is on holiday and is wasting his money on clothes very quickly. - He definitely ... all his money before the end of his holiday.
11. We are travelling around Europe. We are going to our last destination - Portugal. - By next week we ... Portugal.