Практическое занятие № 11. Домашние обязанности в семье 1. Перепишите текст, заполняя пропуски словами, данными ниже:

My Household Duties

This is my tenth year of ….and I work hard to pass my final exams successfully in a year.But still I have some ….duties. Every day I do my room and my bed, wash up…, dust the furniture and take out the rubbish. It is also my duty …bread and milk. Once a week I help my mother to do all other …about the house. We wash our…, iron and mend it, clean the flat. When my mother is ill or …from home I do the cooking. I am especially …. making vegetable soup and salads. Sometimes I have to visit everyday…: hairdresser's, shoemakers', tailor's, dry cleaners', photographer's. At the hairdresser's I have my …cut and waved. At the shoemakers' I have my shoes and boots…, at the photographer's I have my photo taken. My brother has his …duties at home. He does the carpets with our…, and repairs electrical appliances when they are out of order. Last year I was at my grandparents' in the….During my stay there I swept the …and washed them, fed the…, collected the eggs and weeded the vegetable-beds. I enjoyed this …very much.

work ,village, electric-cleaner, repaired ,good at,, work, floors, dishes, services, hair, away, own, linen, chickens, schooling, to buy, household

2. Составьте 5 вопросов к тексту, используя 4 типа вопросов


Выполните следующие упражнения, используя конструкцию «to be going to для выражения будущности»

1. Н-р: I … (study) astronomy at university. – I’m going to study astronomy at university. (Я собираюсь изучать астрономию в университете.)

2. I … (move) to London.

3. I … (fly) to the Moon.

4. I … (marry) at 25.

5. We … (have) three kids.

6. My wife … (become) a famous actress.

7. My wife and children … (travel) all over the world.

8. We … (eat) in restaurants every day.

9. I … (open) a flying school in England.

2. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, начиная со слов в скобках.

1. I am going to phone him tomorrow. (When …?)

2. That tower is going to collapse soon. (Why …?)

3. My friends are going to arrive today. (How many friends …?)

4. We are going to pay for her. (How much …?)

5. Mum is going to see her dentist on Monday. (When…?)

6. I am going to wear a white dress tonight. (Why…?)

Кристина7836 Кристина7836    3   03.12.2020 16:25    20

Appledog Appledog  03.12.2020 16:30

1797 жылдың көктемінде Сырым Датұлының жасақтары хан ордасына шабуыл жасап, 

 ханды өлтірді. Бұған жауап ретінде патша үкіметі қазақ даласына жазалаушы отрядтарды аттандырды, бірақ олар көтерілісшілерді кездестіре алмады. 

 хан тағына күрес басталды. О. Игельстром Кіші жүзді басқаруды 



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