пожжж, в консвенную речь Change these sentences into Reported Speech beginning ‘she said (that)’:
1 The woman forgot to include the information in the affidavit.
2 I will work on the memorandum today.
3 He is going to fly to Rome tomorrow.
4 We had been walking around the town all day and we were tired.
5 The meeting had ended by 11 o’clock.
6 It rarely rains in the desert.
7 He loves classical music.
8 Water boils at 100° C
9 You are always forgetting to pay the bills.
10 Jill will be two years old next month.
11 Jenny was waiting for me when I arrived.
12 Mum has just served dinner.
13 The doctor has prescribed some medicine.
14 A famous footballer lived in our house before we bought it.
15 When it rains, the roads get slippery and dangerous.
16 The website will come online next week.
17 You must apologise to Jill for being so rude.
18 We will go to the beach if the weather is good tomorrow.