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Проверка Главредом:
Kelly was surprised when the whole family had met
her at the airport. First, she saw Mike, then Sue, Mary, mum,
so happy to see her.
and dad. Everyone have been ✓
She saw their smiley faces. They didn't see
her for
half and year and missed a lot. On the way back home they
her for half and year and missed a lot. On
hadn't seen V
the way back home they were laughing and sharing ✓
The weather is
fantastic! It was warm and sunny.
almost no clouds in the sky. The birds were singing and the
butterflies were flying outside. Even a small traffic jam they
ruin their fantastic mood
in shouldn't v
that day! When they got home, Alison, Kelly's friend, called
her and wanted to meet. Kelly answered, "If I have a chance, I
back and we might go to a cafe or a
must call
park to talk. And the whole day people were calling, coming,
kissing, hugging her. They were so happy she finally
come v
Проверка Главредом:
Kelly was surprised when the whole family had met
her at the airport. First, she saw Mike, then Sue, Mary, mum,
so happy to see her.
and dad. Everyone have been ✓
She saw their smiley faces. They didn't see
her for
half and year and missed a lot. On the way back home they
her for half and year and missed a lot. On
hadn't seen V
the way back home they were laughing and sharing ✓
The weather is
fantastic! It was warm and sunny.
almost no clouds in the sky. The birds were singing and the
butterflies were flying outside. Even a small traffic jam they
ruin their fantastic mood
in shouldn't v
that day! When they got home, Alison, Kelly's friend, called
her and wanted to meet. Kelly answered, "If I have a chance, I
back and we might go to a cafe or a
must call
park to talk. And the whole day people were calling, coming,
kissing, hugging her. They were so happy she finally
come v