Покажи предметы которые находятся рядом с тобой. составь предложения используя указательные местоимения this/these,that/those

bagauridiana bagauridiana    1   30.09.2019 20:01    4

rushsh1 rushsh1  09.10.2020 06:13
This is poster on the wall. those are books in the bookcase. that is a lamp on the table. these are pencil in pencilcase
Dariasolne4naya Dariasolne4naya  09.10.2020 06:13
This is a table. these is a table (ir . verbs)
its was that i need . this a bread . this is black board. that time i need to go sleep. those day i want to learn english language , becouse is interesting language. those word i want to say good word. как то так .
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