по англ даю 1 She lives in the cottage at the end of the l_ _ _.

2 There’s a p_ _ _b_ _ at the end of the road, so you can send your letter from there.

3 Our street is dark at night because the s_ _ _ _t l_ _ _s are broken.

4 There’s a pretty p_ _ _ in our village. You can’t swim in it, but there are lots of ducks.

5 You have to drive round the r_ _ _ _a_ _ _t and take the fourth exit.

6 We live in a big, old f_ _ _h_ _ _ _ in the countryside.

7 The city centre is full of b_ _ _b_ _ _ _s with adverts for expensive clothes.

8 There’s an old stone b_ _ _ _e over the river. It’s very pretty.

iroytblatилья iroytblatилья    3   02.03.2021 12:18    16

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