Используя данную информацию и глаголы, напиши о Великой
Китайской стене. Используй пaccивный залог.

• make of • complete • build
• visit by
• locate

Name: The Great Wall of China
Location: northern China
Made of: granite
Reason built: to protect China from the Mongols
Completed: early sixteenth century
Visited: thousands of tourists every year​

taniataolia taniataolia    2   05.04.2021 17:29    1

настя7594 настя7594  05.04.2021 17:30

1.The Great Wall of China is located in the North of China from The Jia-yu Pass of Gansu Province to the Shan-hai Pass of Hebei Province.

2. The Great Wall of China is made of stone, brick, wood and tamped earth.

3. It was mostly completed by the Ming Dynasty.

4. It was built over 2000 years ago, around 221BC.

5. The Great Wall of China is visited by many tourists who come from all parts of the world to see this wonder.



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