Перевести текст: what are the main youth problems? everyone knows and at the same time no one knows. as sand through fingers - youth problems are always changing. thirty years ago johnny rotten sang " too many problems oh why am i here, i don't need to be me 'cos you're all too clear, well and i can see there's something wrong with you but what do you expect me to problems, problems, the problem is you! " the idea of that punk styled song is simple clear. all our failures depend on us. imagine your life without money, can you do that? no fancy clothes, no fashionable clubs, no entertainments, no troubles. americans say "no mass - no fuss" in such case. don't you think teenagers depend on money greatly? they are obsessed on their appearance, they need to be clothed fashionable and in modern style. some of them, who are lacking money prefer to wear jeans and plain clothes, this is their way out. the fashion industry is based on some youth preferences, there is a kind of business in producing special clothes and accessories for teens. young people try to do their best in getting labeled and fancy stuff, they are really crazy about such things. external life may force out their spiritual life, and that are dangerous circumstances. in my point of view, young people should pay more attention to their inside world and develop it.