ПЕРЕВЕСТИ сцену из "Алиса в стране чудес"
Король: Hurry up, everyone! Alice, come in! Sit
down over there! Let the trial begin!
Белый Кролик: These are the Queen’s tarts you
see here now. But we want to find out who stole
them, and how!
Король: Call the first witness!
Шляпник: Hello! Yes, that’s me! I’m sorry, but I
am still having my tea!
Королева: Cut off his head!
Король: Oh, please, just go away! We really must
finish this trial today!
Рас сказ чик: Alice looked down. Something felt
very strange.
Король: Call the next witness!
Белый Кролик: It’s Alice!
Алиса: Oh no!
Король: That girl is too tall, and we want her to
Королева: Cut off her head!
Алиса: I’m not scared! I don’t care!
Рассказчик: Then all of the playing cards flew up into the air.
Рассказчик: Alice was scared! She woke up with
a scream.
Эдит: Don’t worry, my dear! It was only a dream!