Перевести по : 1) моя мама накрывает на стол. 2) его брат хорошо. гладит бельё. 3) я мою посуду. 4) её сестра поливает цветы. 5) их брат полесосит кавер. буду !

AnnaKaramelka6684 AnnaKaramelka6684    1   06.09.2019 01:10    1

eeeevaa eeeevaa  26.08.2020 16:06
1) My mother sets the table.
2) His brother is very good. stroking the laundry.
3) I wash the dishes.
4) Her sister is watering flowers.
5) Their brother will cover the cover.
YanDzhabbarov YanDzhabbarov  26.08.2020 16:06
) My mother sets the table. 2) His brother is very good. stroking the laundry. 3) I wash the dishes. 4) Her sister is watering flowers. 5) Their brother will cover the cover
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