Перевести на язык. зарание однажды утром мы встали и стали собирать сумки. мама нас торопила. мы спустились вниз и побежали к машине. мама закрыла дверь и пошла к машине. потом кейт забыла работу и пожела в дом. кейт нашла работу и пошла к машине. через не сколько минут чарли забыл спортивную форму и побежал в дом. чарли пришёл к машине. престегнулись. мама включила радио. и тут сказали что сегодня суббота.

kosorotovslavik kosorotovslavik    3   25.05.2019 15:50    1

krotkovaksenia1 krotkovaksenia1  01.10.2020 11:30
One morning we got up and began to collect the bag. My mother hurried us. We climbed down and ran to the car. Mom closed the door and walked to the car. Then Kate had forgotten homework and went into the house. Keith found homework and went to the car. After how many minutes do not forget Charlie in shape and ran into the house. Charlie came to the car. Guys prestegnulis. Mom turned on the radio. And then said that today is Saturday.
Перевод полностью правильный 
madina319 madina319  01.10.2020 11:30
One morning we got up and began to PACK the bag. My mother hurried us. We got down and ran to the car. Mom closed the door and walked to the car. Then Kate remembered about her homework and came back into the house. When Kate found her homework she returned back to the car. Then Charlie remembered about his PE suit and ran into the house. At last Charlie came to the car, and everybody fastened their belts. Mom turned on the radio. And it said that it was Saturday.
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