Перевести на )) "если честно, я никогда не ходила в компьютерные клубы, потому что у нас в городе их нет. в компьютерные игры мы играем дома с семьей и друзьями.. с младшим братом я играю в различные квесты, а с друзьями в стрелялки. моя мама злится на нас, когда мы играем слишком долго, и говорит, что надо беречь свои глаза"

dudka283847 dudka283847    2   11.08.2019 04:50    0

linaserdyuk13 linaserdyuk13  04.10.2020 10:39
"To be honest, I never went to computer clubs, because we have in them. Computer games we play at home with family and friends.. With my little brother I play variety of quests, but with friends shooting. My mom gets mad at us when we play too long, and says that it is necessary to protect your eyes"
ArLesya ArLesya  04.10.2020 10:39
To be honest, I never went to computer clubs, because in our town do not. In the computer games we play at home with family and friends .. With younger brother, I play in a variety of quests, and with friends in the shooting. My mother is angry with us when we play too long, and says that it is necessary to take care of your eyes
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