Поставьте глаголы в present perfect i … a very interesting film (to see). 2. where … you … all the time (to be). 3. the boy … his eyes (to open). 4. the mother … already … her child and … her to bed (to wash, to put). 5. …he … to school yet? (to come) 6. what … you …, mum? (to bring)

Котик0303 Котик0303    3   21.08.2019 19:40    30

Sarzhanovaperuza Sarzhanovaperuza  14.08.2020 18:20
1. I have seen a very interesting film.
2. Where have you been all the time.
3. The boy has opened his eyes.
4. The mother has already washed her child and put her to bed.
5. Has he come to school yet?
6. What have you brought Mum?
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