Перевести . 1. в конце недели мы случайно наткнулись на неплохую симпатичную квартиру и решили снять ее. 2. я подумала, что просто загляну к вам посмотреть, как вы тут. 3. джон выбыл из игры, так как у него много работы. 4. джейн сказала, что занесет куртку в чистку, когда поедет в центр. 5. давай зайдем к руфи, когда будем в оксфорде. 6. не бросай занятия , как бы трудно не было. 7. я наткнулась на свой старый дневник, когда искала записную книжку. 8. мы проходили мимо твоего дома и решили заглянуть. 9. , доставь (забрось) этот заказ в бакалейную лавку по дороге в школу. 10. денис был травмирован (was injured) в первом раунде и выбыл из матча. 11. если все в порядке, я завезу тебе документы завтра в полдень. 12. почему ты нападаешь на меня? пойти туда было его собственным решением.

ksetitaafrgb ksetitaafrgb    1   18.03.2019 16:56    8

dogsno dogsno  26.05.2020 00:27

1.At the end of the week we accidentally came across a nice apartment and decided to rent it. 2. I thought I'd just stop by and see how you're doing. 3. John is out of the game because he has a lot of work to do. 4. Jane said she'd bring her jacket to the cleaners when she went downtown. 5. Let's go see Ruth when we get to Oxford. 6. Don't give up English, no matter how hard it is. 7. I came across my old diary when I was looking for a notebook. 8. We were passing your house and decided to stop by. 9. Please deliver (drop) this order to the grocery store on your way to school. 10. Denis was injured (was injured) in the first round and dropped out of the match. 11. If it's all right, I'll drop the documents off at noon tomorrow. 12. Why are you attacking me? Going there was his own decision.

syipyr syipyr  26.05.2020 00:27

1. At the end of the week we accidentally stumbled upon a nice nice apartment and decided to rent it. 2. I thought I would just drop by to see how you were here. 3. John dropped out of the game because he has a lot of work. 4. Jane said she would bring the jacket into the cleaning when she went to the center. 5. Let's go to Ruth when we're at Oxford. 6. Do not give up English classes, no matter how difficult it is. 7. I stumbled upon my old diary when I was looking for a notebook. 8. We passed by your house and decided to look. 9. Please deliver (drop) this order to the grocery store on the way to school. 10. Denis was injured (was injured) in the first round and dropped out of the match. 11. If everything is in order, I will deliver the documents to you tomorrow at noon. 12. Why are you attacking me? Going there was his own decision.

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