Неистевно буду тому кто сможет написать предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме 1.he know english well. 2. she makes good reports. 3. they live in kiev. 4.you go to the university on foot. 5.we read many books. 6.they sat in the first row 7. he arrived yesterday 8. the play lasted two hours 9. we went to the cinema yesterday 10. john came home at 5 o'clock 11. these exercises will be easy for you 12. the lesson will be over at 3 13. we shall take children to the park 14. you will see a new film tonight 15. they will study english at the institute

girlssss girlssss    3   22.05.2019 10:50    2

chukalina chukalina  17.06.2020 18:33

1.He knows English well.

Does he know English well?

He doesn't know English well.

2. She makes good reports.

Does she make good reports?

She doesn't make good reports.

3. They live in Kiev.

Do they live in Kiev?

They don't live in Kiev.

4.You go to the University on foot.

Do you go to the University on foot?

You don't go to the University on foot.

5.We read many books.

Do we read many books?

We don't read many books.

6.They sat in the first row

Did they sit in the first row?

They didn't sit in the first row.

7. He arrived yesterday

Did he arrive yesterday?

He didn't arrive yesterday.

8. The play lasted two hours

Did the play last two hours?

The play didn't last two hours.

9. We went to the cinema yesterday

Did we go to the cinema yesterday?

We didn't go to the cinema yesterday.

10. John came home at 5 o'clock

Did John come home at 5 o'clock?

John didn't come home at 5 o'clock.

11. These exercises will be easy for you

Will these exercises be easy for you?

These exercises will not be easy for you

12. The lesson will be over at 3

Will the lesson be over at 3?

The lesson will not be over at 3

13. We shall take children to the park

Shall we take children to the park?

We shall not take children to the park

14. You will see a new film tonight

Will you see a new film tonight?

You will not see a new film tonight

15. They will study English at the Institute

Will they study English at the Institute?

They will not study English at the Institute

2806tonia2005 2806tonia2005  17.06.2020 18:33

1. He knows English well - Он знает английский хорошо
He doesn't know English well
Does he know English well?

2. She makes good reports - Она пишет хорошие доклады
She doesn't make good reports
Does she make good reports?

3. They live in Kiev - Они живут в Киеве
They don't live in Kiev
Do they live in Kiev?

4. You go to the University on foot - Ты ходишь в университет пешком
You don't go to the University on foot
Do you go to the University on foot?

5. We read many books - Мы читаем много книг
We don't read many books
Do we read many books?

6. They sat in the first row - Они сидели в первом ряду
They didn't sit in the first row
Did they sit in the first row?

7. He arrived yesterday - Он приехал вчера
He didn't arrive yesterday
Did he arrive yesterday?

8. They played last two hours - Они играли последние 2 часа
They didn't play last two hours
Did they play last two hours?

9. We went to the cinema yesterday - Мы ходили в кино вчера
We didn't go to the cinema yesterday
Did we go to the cinema yesterday?

10. John came home at 5 o'clock - Джон вернулся домой в 5 часов
John didn't come home at 5 o'clock
Did John come home at 5 o'clock?

11. These exercises will be easy - Эти предложения будут легкими
These exercises won't be easy
Will these exercises be easy?

12. The lesson will be over at 3 o'clock - Урок закончится в 3 часа
The lesson won't be over at 3 o'clock
Will the lesson be over at 3 o'clock?

13. We shall take children to the park - Нам стоит взять детей в парк
We shan't take children to the park
Shall we take children to the park?

14. You will see a new film tonight - Ты увидишь новый фильм сегодня вечером
You won't see a new film tonight
Will you see a new film tonight?

15. They will study English at the Institute - Они будут учить английский язык в институте
They won't study English at the Institute
Will they study English at the Institute?

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