Переведите,,в онлайн переводчике бред получается the bandwagon. the bandwagon appeal implies that everybody is using a particular product and that if you don’t, you will be left out. the term derives from the practice, during nineteenth- century circus or political parades, of jumping on or following behind the wagon carrying the band. soft drink and automobile ads use this appeal. popularity some advertisements suggest that simply by using the advertised product you will be popular or find romance. toothpaste ads showing moments of romance between handsome young men and women are typical of these kinds of campaigns. every day you as a consumer are the object of the marketing efforts of american and foreign companies. the advertising on television and radio and in the newspaper that come to your house is just some of the ways that sales promotions reach you. can you think of other ways that sales promotions reach you. can you think of other ways? most of these marketing strategies represent honest efforts to convince you to buy a product or service. nevertheless, you are responsible for evaluating advertising directed at you, separating fact from emodon, and deciding whether or not to buy the product.