Переведите текст на язык. сергей королёв родился 12 января1907 года в городе житомире в семье учителя словесности павла яковлевича королёва , и дочери нежинского купца марии николаевны москаленко. ему было около трёх лет, когда павел королёв ушёл из семьи. маленького серёжу отправили к бабушке марии матвеевне и дедушке николаю яковлевичу москаленко. в 1915 году сергей королёв поступил в подготовительные классы гимназии в киеве, в 1917 году пошёл в первый класс гимназии в одессе, куда переехали мать, мария николаевна , и отчим — григорий михайлович . в гимназии учился недолго, так как её закрыли; потом были четыре месяца единой трудовой школы. далее получал образование дома — его мать и отчим были учителями. ещё в школьные годы сергей интересовался новой тогда авиационной техникой и проявил к ней исключительные первая жена сергея королева ксения винцентини была его первой юношеской любовью. через семнадцать лет совместной жизни жена королева написала письмо его матери, в котором рассказала, что решила уйти от мужа, чтобы дать ему жить так, как он хочет. дочь сергея королева и ксении винцентини наталья, в двенадцать лет узнавшая об изменах отца, восприняла это болезненно и смогла простить только когда сама стала взрослой женщиной. второй женой сергея королева стала переводчица нина ивановна. в 1948 году королев уже начал летно-конструкторские испытания ракеты и в 1950 году успешно сдал ее на вооружение. в 1955 году королев вместе с учёными келдышем и тихонравовым вышел в правительство с предложением о выведении в космос при ракеты искусственного спутника земли. правительство поддержало эту инициативу. сергей королёв умер 14 января 1966 года на операционном столе. урна с прахом с. п. королёва захоронена в кремлёвской стене.

lazarenko2 lazarenko2    1   06.10.2019 02:03    8

svkalin svkalin  06.10.2019 02:03
Sergey korolev was born on january 12, 1907 in the city of zhytomyr in the family of pavel yakovlevich korolev, a teacher of russian literature, and the daughter of the nizhyn merchant maria nikolaevna moskalenko. he was about three years old when pavel korolev left the family. little seryozh was sent to grandmother maria matveyevna and grandfather nikolai yakovlevich moskalenko.in 1915, sergei korolev entered the preparatory classes of the gymnasium in kiev, in 1917 he went to the first class of the gymnasium in odessa, where his mother, maria nikolaevna balanina, and his stepfather, grigory balanin, had moved. he did not study in the gymnasium for long, as it was closed; then there were four months of a single labor school. then he received education at home - his mother and stepfather were teachers. during his school years, sergey was interested in the then new aviation technology and showed exceptional abilities to it.the first wife of sergei korolev ksenia vincentini was his first youthful love.after seventeen years of marriage, the wife of the queen wrote a letter to his mother, in which she said that she had decided to leave her husband in order to let him live as he wanted. the daughter of sergei korolev and ksenia vincentini natalia, who at the age of twelve learned about her father’s treason, took it very painfully and was able to forgive only when she became an adult woman. the second wife of sergei korolev was the translator nina ivanovna.in 1948, korolev had already begun flight tests of a ballistic missile and in 1950 successfully passed it into service. in 1955, korolyov, together with scientists keldysh and tikhonravov, came to the government with a proposal to launch spacecraft using an artificial satellite of the earth using a rocket. the government supported this initiative.sergei korolev died january 14, 1966 on the operating table. the urn with the ashes of s. p. korolev was buried in the kremlin wall.
Ditroid Ditroid  06.10.2019 02:03
Sergey korolev was born on january 12, 1907 in the city of zhytomyr in the family of pavel yakovlevich korolev, a teacher of russian literature, and the daughter of the nizhyn merchant maria nikolaevna moskalenko. he was about three years old when pavel korolev left the family. little seryozh was sent to grandmother maria matveyevna and grandfather nikolai yakovlevich moskalenko.in 1915, sergei korolev entered the preparatory classes of the gymnasium in kiev, in 1917 he went to the first class of the gymnasium in odessa, where his mother, maria nikolaevna balanina, and his stepfather, grigory balanin, had moved. he did not study in the gymnasium for long, as it was closed; then there were four months of a single labor school. then he received education at home - his mother and stepfather were teachers. during his school years, sergey was interested in the then new aviation technology and showed exceptional abilities to it.the first wife of sergei korolev ksenia vincentini was his first youthful love.after seventeen years of marriage, the wife of the queen wrote a letter to his mother, in which she said that she had decided to leave her husband in order to let him live as he wanted. the daughter of sergei korolev and ksenia vincentini natalia, who at the age of twelve learned about her father’s treason, took it very painfully and was able to forgive only when she became an adult woman. the second wife of sergei korolev was the translator nina ivanovna.in 1948, korolev had already begun flight tests of a ballistic missile and in 1950 successfully passed it into service. in 1955, korolyov, together with scientists keldysh and tikhonravov, came to the government with a proposal to launch spacecraft using an artificial satellite of the earth using a rocket. the government supported this initiative.sergei korolev died january 14, 1966 on the operating table. the urn with the ashes of s. p. korolev was buried in the kremlin wall.
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