Переведите текст. когда джон(его сын) вырос, отец рассказал ему . джон был писателем и написал книгу о смелой собаке. эта книга была популярна и все говорили только о ней. все чаще люди стали приезжать на место гибели собаки. так мир узнал о мужестве и отваге пса.

nikita57551 nikita57551    1   22.08.2019 16:50    0

diamond31 diamond31  05.10.2020 13:02
When John(his son) grew up, his father told him the story. John was a writer and wrote a book about a brave dog. This book was very popular and everyone was talking about her. More and more people began to come to the place of death of the dog. So the world learned about the courage and bravery of the dog.
Ekaaaterina Ekaaaterina  05.10.2020 13:02

When John(his son) grew up, his father told him the story. John was a writer and wrote a book about a brave dog. This book was very popular and everyone was talking about her. More and more people began to come to the place of death of the dog. So the world learned about the courage and bravery of the dog.

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