Переведите , предложения на язык. 1. вчера я встала в 7 утра. 2. я почистила зубы, приняла душ, причесалась и сделала утренний макияж. 3. после этого я позавтракала. 4. у меня было вареное яйцо, хлеб с маслом и чашка кофе без сахара. 5. в 8: 20 я приехала в колледж. 6. как обычно перед уроком я встретилась со своими подружками, и мы расцеловалась. 7. у нас было 3 урока, после которых мы пошли в кафе, и посидели там полчаса. 8. я вернулась домой, делала работу и дела, разговаривала по скайпу с друзьями и легла спать в 10: 30.

zavet3427 zavet3427    1   09.07.2019 10:40    1

NastyaDND NastyaDND  16.09.2020 23:58
1. Yesterday I got up at 7 am.2. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, brushed her hair and made morning makeup.3. Then I had breakfast.4. I had a boiled egg, bread and butter and a cup of coffee without sugar.5. At 8:20 I came to college.6. As usual, before the lesson, I met with my girlfriends and we kissed.7. We had 3 lessons, after which we went to a cafe and sat there for half an hour.8. I went home, did homework and household chores, talking on Skype with friends and went to bed at 10:30.
Андрей201711 Андрей201711  16.09.2020 23:58
1. Yesterday I got up at 7 am.2. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, brushed her hair and made morning makeup.3. Then I had breakfast.4. I had a boiled egg, bread and butter and a cup of coffee without sugar.5. At 8:20 I came to college.6. As usual, before the lesson, I met with my girlfriends and we kissed.7. We had 3 lessons, after which we went to a cafe and sat there for half an hour.8. I went home, did homework and household chores, talking on Skype with friends and went to bed at 10:30.
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