Переведите на : жил был хомяк. его звали хома. сытно ел и пил хома. до старости лет дожил хома. любил морковку и зерно. кота соседского он ненавидел. вот такая вот . без смысла.

Garri1209 Garri1209    3   29.05.2019 08:50    0

danilpasynkov1 danilpasynkov1  28.06.2020 09:23
There lived a hamster. him called хома. nourishingly I ate and I drank хома. I lived up to an old age of years хома. I loved carrot and grain. neighbour's he hated a cat.
Lasaolnaser Lasaolnaser  28.06.2020 09:23
there was a hamster. his name was Homa. hearty ate and drank Homa. old age lived Homa. loved carrots and corn. cat neighbor he hated. here's the story. without meaning...
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