Переведите на язык, используя инфинитив
1. читать – большое удовольствие.
2. его целью было обмануть марка.
3. мы намереваемся отпраздновать это событие.
4. питер попросил меня присмотреть за его сыном.
5. есть много работы, которую надо сделать.
6. я плаваю каждый день, чтобы быть в форме.
7. я не хотел оставаться там, но мне
8. он должен мне.
9. ты можешь войти.
10. мне выбрать подарок для сестры.
11. мама заставляет меня убирать мою комнату.
12. отец разрешил мне пойти к другу.
13. его заставили убрать комнату.
14. тебе лучше бы пойти домой.
15. я предпочел бы остаться здесь.

Sobsrhjj Sobsrhjj    3   12.12.2019 22:07    4

Kikinaxxxxxx Kikinaxxxxxx  23.08.2020 11:02

1. To read - is a great pleasure.

2. His goal was to trick a Mark.

3. We intend to celebrate this event.

4. Peter asked me to look after his son.

5. There is a lot of work to be done.

6. I swim every day to be in shape.

7. I did not want to stay there but (?)

8. He have to help me.

9. You can come in.

10. Help me to choose a gift for my sister.

11. My mom forses me to clean my room.

12. My father allowed me to go to a friend.

13. He was forced to clean the room./ They forsed him to clean the room.

14. It would be better for you if you'll go home./ You should to go home.

15. I would prefer to stay here.

Нм6шиш Нм6шиш  23.08.2020 11:02

1 To read is a great pleasure.

2 His aim was to deceive Mark.

3 We intend to celebrate this event.

4 Peter asked me to look after his son.

5 There is much work to be done.

6 I swim every day to be fit.

7 I didn't want to stay there,but

8 He must help me.

9 You may come in.

10 Help me to choose the present for my sister.

11 Mother makes me to tidy my room.

12 Father allowed me to my friend.

13 He was made to tidy his room.

14 You had better go home.

15 I"d rather stay here

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