Our little piece of pop history Adapted from British newspaper
Andrew Holgate and his family bougin a house at number
59 Lyndhurst Grove, in London. On their first morning in their new
house they were very surprised. They looked out of the window and
saw some people taking photographs of their front door. Every week
more people came and took photographs. Andrew and his family
couldn't understand it. Then they solved the mystery...
The British pop group Pulp have a song on their album Pulpintro
called 59 Lyndhurst Grove (written by the singer. Jarvis Cocker).
The people who came to see their house were Pulp fans. But why
did Pulp sing about 59 Lyndhurst Grove? This is the story. One
night Jarvis Cocker came to a party at the house. He argued with
the owner an architect, and tbe owner threw him out of the house,
Jarvis went home and wrote an angry song about the house, the
party, and the architect owner.
There are other pop songs about streets. For example, the Beatles
wrote a song about Penny Lane in Liverpool. But what is unusual
is that Jarvis Cocker's song gives the number of the house,
Fortunately, Andrew and his family are quite happy that their
house is famous.
a Read the article. Number the sentences in order.
A Jarvis wrote a song about the house,
B Jarvis Cocker went to a party,
C The Holgates found out about the song.
D Andrew's family bought the house.
E The owner of the house threw Jarvis out.
F Jarvis argued with the owner of the house.
G Andrew's family saw people taking photos of the house.
b Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
1 There aren't many songs about houses. .
2 Jarvis wrote the song because he liked the house.
3 Andrew doesn't like people taking photos of his house​

arinasuper000 arinasuper000    1   27.05.2021 22:40    24

Rina12346 Rina12346  22.01.2024 15:01
a) Порядковый номер предложений в правильной последовательности:
1. D - Andrew's family bought the house.
2. G - Andrew's family saw people taking photos of the house.
3. C - The Holgates found out about the song.
4. B - Jarvis Cocker went to a party.
5. F - Jarvis argued with the owner of the house.
6. E - The owner of the house threw Jarvis out.
7. A - Jarvis wrote a song about the house.

- Предложение D должно быть первым, так как сначала семья Андрея приобрела дом.
- Затем, в предложении G, семья увидела людей, снимающих фотографии их дома.
- После этого, в предложении C, Holgate ознакомился с песней.
- В предложении B говорится, что Джарвис пошел на вечеринку.
- Затем он поссорился с владельцем дома (предложение F).
- В предложении E сказано, что Джарвис был выгнан из дома.
- И, наконец, в предложении A упоминается, что Джарвис написал песню о доме.

b) Правда (T) или Ложь (F):
1. F - В статье говорится, что есть несколько песен о улицах.
2. F - Джарвис написал песню после ссоры с владельцем дома, а не потому, что ему понравился дом.
3. F - В статье не упоминается, что Андрей не любит, когда снимают фотографии его дома.
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