Откройте скобки, употребите simple past or past progressive. 1. when we (travel) around ireland, we (meet) some very nice people. 2. while she (speak) on the phone, the milk (boil) over. 3. when i (leave) the house this morning, the sun (shine) . 4. caroline (burn) her hand when she (iron) her clothes. 5. a: »what (do / you) yesterday at 8 pm? « 6. b: »i (sit) in the pub with sam. why? « 7. a: »i (drive) to the sports centre at that time to play squash with a few friends. as we (be) only three players, i (try) to ring you to ask if you would like to come as well. but i (reach / not) you at home.« 8. b: »why (ring / not / you) my mobile? « 9. a: »i actually (want) to ring your mobile, but by accident i (dial) william's number. he (do / not) anything special at that moment and really(like) the idea of playing squash with us.« 10. when i (get) up yesterday, the sun (shine) .

sagatsayazhan sagatsayazhan    2   01.09.2019 02:00    1

almira666ozs336 almira666ozs336  26.08.2020 13:17
1. were travelling, met
2. was speaking, boiled
3. left, was shining
4. burned, was ironing
5. what did you do
6. was sitting
7. drove, were, tried, couldn't reach
8. why didn't you ring
9. wanted, dialed, wasn't doing, liked
10. got, was shining
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