Open the brackets.use present perfect progressive or past perfect progressive 1-my brother and i (to clean) my room since 2 o'clock 2-we already (to clean) our room for an hour when mum came home. 3-she said they (to build) that house all that year 4-they (to build) their house all this summer? 5-how long your brother(to work) as an engineer?

SuperRhino757 SuperRhino757    3   18.05.2019 23:40    1

домашкидофига домашкидофига  12.06.2020 05:17
1-my brother and I have been cleaning my room since 2 o'clock
2-we had already been cleaning our room for an hour when mum came home.
3-she said they had been building that house all that year
4-Have they been building their house all this summer?
5-how long has your brother been working as an engineer?
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