Open the brackets and write the type of conditional sentence.
1. (to speak) every day, if you (to want) to speak
English well.
2. If you (to want) to buy a ticket, (to buy) it now.
3. If there (to be) more employed in the
company, you (go) bankrupt.
4. If I (to speak) Spanish, 1 (to visit) Mexico.
5. If I (to have) a better job, 1 (to travel) more.
6. We (to order) hamburgers if they (to have) no
7. If there (to be) no hotel in this town, we (to
have) to sleep in the car.
8. If you (to want) to play basketball, (to call) me
9. If you (to lose) your keys, 1 (to give you mine.​

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