Очень нужна Вставь в пропуски вопросительные слова Who, What, What colour, Where, When, Why, How, How many, How much»

Очень нужна Вставь в пропуски вопросительные слова Who, What, What colour, Where, When, Why, How, Ho

shansosia05sofisofi shansosia05sofisofi    2   02.11.2020 15:15    17

cat497 cat497  02.12.2020 15:15

1) who is that man?

2) what is it?

3)Where is Ann?

4) When do you walk?

5) What colour are the balls?

6) How many sisters have you got?

7) Who is your father?

8) How is your family?

9) How much milk do you drink?

10) Where are your friends?

11) Who is she?

12) How is your friend?

13) Where is Bob from?

14) When is your birthday?

15) What colour is that tree?

16) Where is the cheese?

17) What colour car has he got?

18) Who is he?

19) How many dogs has she got?

20) What does he like?

21) When do you swim?

22) How much tea would you like?

23) Who are your aunts?

24) Why do you play tag?

25) What colour are the ducks?

26) When do you go to school?

27) How many apples has he got?

28) What games do they play?

29) How much coffee does he drink?

30) Why does he go to the Zoo?

31) Who can play chess?

32) Where do your friends live?

33) What colour is your bike?

34) Where are my books?

35) When is Christmas?

36) What do you eat for lunch?


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