Нужно составить 5 предложений с use to, 5 предложений с didn't use to, и 5 предложений с did use умоляю

Shidvwissysvdiw Shidvwissysvdiw    2   10.07.2019 09:00    2

elizaveta2001kz elizaveta2001kz  17.09.2020 11:18
I used to have a dog when I was a child
He used to be noisy when he was young
She used to go to the country when she was 7
I used to walk many years ago
They used to drive fast when he was 20
Did you use to have a dog?
Did she use to go to the country?
Did he use to drive fast/
Did they use to walk 5 years ago?
Did you use to play tennis 5 years ago?
I didn't use to walk when I was 5
He didn't use to drive when he was 18
She didn't use to go to the country when she was 7
My mother didn't use to play tennis when she was a pupil
He didn/t use to have a dog
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