8. названия лекарственных форм:
1. powder ['pauda] to take a powder
sweetest (bitter) powder
2. tablet -to take a tablet three times a day.
3. pill
to take the pill after (during before) meal
to take some milk after the pill
4. ointment ['ointment] to put the ointment
5. suppository [sa'pozitsri]
to keep the suppositories in cool place
6. globule ['gbbju: ! ]
to wash the hands before the use of the globules
7. ampule ['fempjir.l]
to keep the ampules in a dark place to give injections
8. solution [sd' 1 u: jan]
to read the doctor's instruction before giving the solution
9. mixture ['mikstja]
to shake the bottle with the mixture before use
10. infusion [in'fju: 3rt] to take an infusion
ll.decoction [di'kdkfn]
to give a decoction four times a day before meal
12. drops
to keep the drops in a dark place to wash the pipette before (after) use to drop five drops
13. tincture ['tiijktja]
to take twenty drops of the tincture
14. tablespoonful ['teiblspir.ntul] to take a tablespoonful
15. teaspoonful [ti: spu.nful]
to take a teaspoonful on an.empty stomach
16. prescription [pris'kripjn] to give a prescription
to prescribe medicine (treatment)

скажите по-:
1. возьмите ампулы с витамином в. 2. примите 2 столовые ложки теплого отвара. 3. взболтайте микстуру перед употреблением. 4. примите эти капли с молоком. 5. дайте рецепт, . 6. выпишите лекарство от головной боли. 7. храните свечи и растворы в темном и прохладном месте. 8. не принимайте эти порошки на голодный желудок.

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