Нужен перевод текста на английский Я уже была в Санкт-Петербурге в осеннее время года. Сейчас моя мечта съездить туда зимой. Хочется увидеть эту новогоднюю сказку вживую. А вечером там особенно красиво, везде горят огоньки и подсветка, лежит снег. Этот город сам по себе волшебный. Мне бы хотелось съездить туда с подругами, прогуляться по старым улочкам этого города. Еще я хотела бы посетить музеи, соборы, погулять по Невскому проспекту, посмотреть на разводные мосты. От этого захватывает дух. В Санкт-Петербурге в это время года довольно холодная погода, и дует сильный ветер, но на это даже не обращаешь внимания, когда видишь такую красоту вокруг. Я уверена, что получу много положительных эмоций от этой поездки
I was already in St. Petersburg in the autumn season. Now my dream is to go there in winter. I would like to see this New Year's fairy tale live. And in the evening it is especially beautiful there, lights and lights are burning everywhere, there is snow. This city is magical in itself. I would like to go there with my friends, walk along the old streets of this city. I would also like to visit museums, cathedrals, walk along Nevsky Prospect, look at drawbridges. It is breathtaking. In St. Petersburg at this time of the year, the weather is rather cold, and a strong wind is blowing, but you don't even pay attention to it when you see such beauty around. I am sure that I will get a lot of positive emotions from this trip.
I was already in St. Petersburg in the autumn season. Now my dream is to go there in winter. I would like to see this New Year's fairy tale live. And in the evening it is especially beautiful there, lights and lights are burning everywhere, there is snow. This city is magical in itself. I would like to go there with my friends, walk along the old streets of this city. I would also like to visit museums, cathedrals, walk along Nevsky Prospect, look at drawbridges. It is breathtaking. In St. Petersburg at this time of the year, the weather is rather cold, and a strong wind is blowing, but you don't even pay attention to it when you see such beauty around. I am sure that I will get a lot of positive emotions from this trip.